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Driving commercial launch success with physician expert identification and development

An oncology medical device company was planning a commercial launch and needed better insight into the key opinion leaders (KOLs) in their market so they could develop their expert network. Leveraging Definitive Healthcare physician intelligence, they uncovered over 900 KOLs to prioritize and engage.

Key result


key opinion leaders identified

The challenge

Building a network of experts with limited insights into the physician market

An oncology medical device company was bringing a new product to market and needed to identify experts and build a key opinion leader (KOL) network before the commercial launch. However, they found they had limited insight into their addressable market. They needed an efficient and reliable way to segment the market and establish KOL physician targeting based on procedure volumes.

The solution

Gaining a comprehensive picture of influential physicians in their market

The company chose to use Definitive Healthcare to power expert identification. They leveraged ClaimsMx and Medicare claims data using specific procedure codes. With Definitive Healthcare’s ACE projections, which gave the company greater visibility into their addressable market, they identified prominent physicians with the highest treatment volumes. In addition, they used the KOL search filter to find influential physicians who have experience in medical research, clinical trials, speaking opportunities, board positions, or other executive positions. The team also leveraged the detailed physician profiles to dig deep into the physician’s affiliations, clinical trial history, open payment information and referral patterns. Because the KOLs hold positions of greater influence and impact in the market, this information was vital for the teams to effectively approach each physician, nurture the relationship, and build rapport as the company moved towards commercialization.

The impact

Identified over 900 key opinion leaders to target and engage

Leveraging Definitive Healthcare data was critical in identifying experts and reaching KOLs. As a result of using Definitive Healthcare, the team efficiently identified over 900 KOLs. In addition to saving considerable time by accessing market and physician level data in one place, it also increased the accuracy and precision of targeting, allowing the team to establish those key targets for tailored outreach in a specialized market. Their ability to build relationships from the top KOLs accelerated physician and healthcare organization interest to set the foundation to a strong sales pipeline.