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Understanding the competitive landscape

A cardiovascular unit of a large medical device company needed to understand the competitive landscape. Using ClaimsMx, they identified over 8,000 procedures performed by physicians using the competitor’s product, which was critical intel to effectively segment, target, and position their solution.

Key result


physician procedures identified using a competitor’s product

The challenge

Getting visibility into competitor market share

To grow market share, the cardiovascular division of a leading medical device company needed to understand the competitive landscape and develop a segmentation strategy based on product usage. However, with limited visibility into which doctors were loyalists to their product, loyalists to their competitor’s product, or splitters with usage across different companies, they did not have the competitive intelligence they needed to effectively segment and target physicians.

The solution

Gaining a comprehensive view of the market with claims, affiliations, and referral data

Using Definitive Healthcare data, the commercial team identified over 2,000 physician targets. Using ClaimsMx, the team’s search results yielded over 14,000 procedures performed by these physicians. The team then matched over 5,000 procedure claims with their own internal data to segment based on which doctors were loyalists or splitters.

The impact

Identified over 8,000 physician procedures using competitor’s product

The commercial team identified over 8,000 procedures performed by physicians using products by their competitors, and this data was used by marketing to effectively segment, target, and position their product to the different audiences based on their product usage.