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Elective Procedures

What is an elective procedure?

An elective procedure is one that can be scheduled in advance. It differs from urgent or emergency surgery, done immediately and sometimes because of life-threatening conditions.

In comparison, elective surgery is not for urgent needs. However, they can still be essential for improving the patient’s health and well-being. For example, surgeries for cancer are elective surgeries that influence the patient’s survival.

Elective surgeries may also be for cosmetic purposes, such as removing a mole or other plastic surgeries.

One of the benefits of elective surgeries is that patients have days or weeks to prepare their bodies for the procedure and improve their health. Since surgery can be demanding, this time is vital for ensuring a smoother operation and an easier recovery.

Why are elective surgeries necessary for healthcare?

Elective surgeries offer a way for patients to improve their health and well-being. Sometimes these procedures are optional, such as plastic surgery, whereas in other cases the surgery is necessary but not urgent, such as removing kidney stones.

No matter what, elective surgeries help improve a patient’s physical or mental health.