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What is a laparoscopy?

A laparoscopy is a procedure in which a thin tube with a lighted camera checks a patient’s abdomen and pelvic organs. The camera, known as a laparoscope, inserts into tiny incisions in the abdomen and sends images to a computer screen.  

Healthcare providers conduct laparoscopies for many reasons, including: 

  • Cancer detection 
  • Endometriosis treatment 
  • Removal of organs  
  • Ectopic pregnancy treatment  
  • Biopsies 

Usually, providers use laparoscopies after unclear CT, physician exam or X-ray results.  

Many symptoms can prompt a laparoscopy, such as: 

  • Infections 
  • Tumors and growths 
  • Blockages 
  • Injuries 
  • Pain 
  • Bleeding  

Why are laparoscopies important to healthcare?

Laparoscopies are important to healthcare because they let healthcare providers efficiently investigate various symptoms and conditions. Laparoscopies are also minimally invasive, leading to less impact on the patient and better health outcomes.