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How many assisted living facilities are in the U.S.?
How many assisted living facilities are in the U.S.? Find out now!
Trends at independent hospitals in the U.S.
Independent hospitals are not owned or operated by an IDN or a larger healthcare system. Learn more about how these hospitals compare to healthcare system owned facilities.
Which hospitals had the most Medicare Advantage inpatient days?
Using HospitalView data on more than 7,300 active facilities, we’ve compiled a list of U.S. hospitals with the most Medicare Advantage inpatient days in 2021.
How many doctors work at U.S. hospitals?
Learn more about how many doctors and healthcare providers work at hospitals across the United States.
Top 10 hospitals by number of patient discharges
We created a list of the top 10 hospitals with the most patient discharges.
Which U.S. hospitals see the most patients for surgical care?
We’ve compiled a list of top U.S. hospitals for surgical care based on the region in which patients live, also known as patient origination.
Which U.S. hospitals have the most Medicare discharges?
Our HospitalView product has data on more than 7,300 active hospitals, which we used to rank U.S. hospitals by volume of Medicare discharges in 2021.
Top 25 physician groups by ovarian cancer diagnoses
We compiled a list of the top physician groups in the U.S. based on relative share of total ovarian cancer diagnoses in 2022.