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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

What is personal protective equipment (PPE)?

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is the materials worn to block and reduce exposure to hazards. By decreasing physical, chemical, mechanical, radiological and electrical hazards, PPE can protect against and reduce the risk of injury and illness. Fields such as construction and healthcare rely on PPE in the course of routine work.  

PPE must be made and worn properly to work correctly. PPE programs educate employees on which PPE to wear, when to wear it and how to wear it effectively. OSHA sets standards to which many industries must comply.  

Why is personal protective equipment (PPE) important to healthcare?

Personal protective equipment is important because it ensures the health and safety of healthcare providers. PPE including masks, gloves, respirators, safety glasses and suits helps healthcare providers stay safe from injury and highly contagious illnesses like COVID-19.