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Unique Device Identifier (UDI)

What is the unique device identifier (UDI)?

The unique device identifier (UDI) is a code consisting of numbers or a combination of numbers and letters that is specific to one medical device. It typically consists of a device identifier (DI) and a production identifier (PI).

The mandatory, fixed portion of the UDI that correlates to the labeler and particular version or model of the device is the DI.

The PI is a conditional and variable part of the UDI that can identify one or more of the following:

  • serial number of a specific device
  • batch or lot number
  • date of device manufacturing
  • expiration date of the medical device
  • distinct identification code

The UDI is provided in two forms on labels and packages: a form read by a machine using automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) technology and an easy-to-read plain text format.

Why is the UDI important for healthcare?

One of the benefits of the UDI system is that healthcare professionals can more quickly and precisely identify a device and obtain important information, which can help reduce medical errors. This also means that if a medical device is flawed, it can be discovered more quickly.

Anyone can access the AccessGUDID, which is a searchable database of device identification information, including the UDI of specific