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COVID-19 As a Digital Transformer:  Telehealth Accelerates & There’s No Looking Back

We’ve seen years of regulations around telehealth topple in order to respond to the market need of virtual health options due to COVID-19.

With over 42% of Americans using telehealth during the pandemic, the data speaks for itself —Definitive analysts uncovered a 6,000% increase in telehealth claims from the summer of 2019 to the summer of 2020.

Ready or not, telehealth is poised to play a critical role in healthcare for the foreseeable future.

All of this calls for more dialogue around telehealth. On September 24th, 2020, Definitive Healthcare will host an expert roundtable on telehealth and consider:  

    • What COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 virtual care look like

    • What the easing, and possible re-imposing, of telehealth restrictions means for patients and providers

    • What other ways digital expansion in healthcare can continue to evolve and what shifts need to happen to accommodate an increasingly virtual model

    • As regulations, claims coverage, and the patient journey rapidly evolve, how this will impact healthcare-focused sales and marketing

Join Afshan Ali, Division Vice President of Telehealth at Jackson & Coker, Dr. Elisha Yaghmai, President & CEO at FreeState Healthcare, and Dr. Davin Lundquist, Chief Medical Officer at Augmedix as we capture their expertise and predictions on the digital expansion of healthcare and what this means for your business and go-to-market strategy.

About the panelists:

Afshan Ali, Division Vice President of Telehealth, Jackson & Coker

circle-cropped (5)Afshan brings 20 years of experience in healthcare, technology and management consulting to her role leading Jackson & Coker’s Telehealth division. She has extensive experience as a consultant during her time at Deloitte, where she served in healthcare and pharmaceuticals. With her expertise in strategy and operations, she has led systems integrations and implementations domestically and internationally. Afshan has worked with telehealth clients ranging from group practices to integrated health systems in both the commercial and government spaces.



Dr. Elisha Yaghmai, President and CEO, FreeState Healthcare

circle-cropped (6)Dr. Yaghmai is double-boarded in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics, and has worked in many places, from rural clinics to urban, tertiary ICUs, and everywhere in between. When not working on building FreeState, Elisha enjoys spending time with his wife, a pediatric ICU doctor, he also works a side job as personal assistant to his young children. Dr. Yaghmai attended Harvard University and the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School at Dallas and completed his residency at the University of Kansas-Wichita in Internal Medicine/Pediatrics.




Dr. Davin Lundquist, Chief Medical Officer, Augmedix 

circle-cropped (11)In this role, Dr. Lundquist drives rapid technological innovation across Augmedix’ product development teams while maintaining clinical excellence and tight alignment with the fast-changing US healthcare landscape. Dr. Lundquist continues to practice medicine with CommonSpirit Health and contributes as a market CMIO for Ambulatory Services in Ventura County.Dr. Lunquist is a graduate from the USC Keck School of Medicine. He completed his family medicine residency at Naval Hospital Bremerton in Bremerton, WA, and for eight years served as a Chief Medical Information Officer at CommonSpirit Health.  



Moderated by:

Allison Snow, Vice President of Go-To-Customer Marketing, Definitive Healthcare

circle-cropped (8)

Allison Snow is a B2B marketing and customer insights expert, having served in leadership, sales enablement, and revenue marketing roles as a practitioner, industry analyst, and consultant. She has held senior positions with technology firms of various sizes, from a billion-dollar global IT consultancy to private-equity-backed software companies. 

As the Vice President, Go-To-Customer Marketing at Definitive Healthcare, Allison’s role is to accelerate metrics that capture high-priority and revenue-relevant organizational KPIs like new business acquisition, customer engagement, referral cultivation, cross-sell, up-sell, renewals, and advocacy.

Prior to Definitive, Allison spent 4 years as a senior analyst at Forrester Research, advising B2B and B2B2C clients on how to use advanced analytics to identify trends and patterns in data and apply them to differentiated customer experiences and demonstrable revenue growth. 

In addition to her work at Definitive Healthcare, Allison is an advisory Board member at Growth Ops, an organization focused on helping organizations drive business growth. You can find Allison on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Watch The Replay!

Get a sneak peek into the webinar! Read a preview of the transcript below:

Allison Snow (00:00):
Hi there. I’m Allison Snow from Definitive Healthcare. Welcome to COVID-19 As a Digital Transformer: Telehealth Accelerates and There’s No Looking Back.

So just a few administrative items I’d love to get out of the way. Please know the following. This webinar is being recorded, and it will be sent to all registrants and attendees over the next few days. There is a Q & A box on your console. Feel free to submit a question at any time, and we’ll get to as many as time permits. The windows on your console are fully customizable. If you’d like to enlarge or minimize or dismiss any screen, feel free to do so. Before you depart, we’d appreciate if you could fill out the survey that’s also on your console. We look at these results very carefully. We’ve made some significant changes based on your feedback so please do that. Thank you so very much for that.

One other item I would love to say before we begin, is that we’ll talk about COVID-19 in a number of ways today. Particularly as a digital disruptor, and a major element of how care is delivered, and how it might be in the future, and some of the commercial considerations around that. We should talk about that. It’s really important for everyone on the call. Really important for all of you who joined us today. But on behalf of myself and our guests and all of us at Definitive Healthcare, we also understand and acknowledge that COVID-19 is an international health crisis and pandemic. So, it’s bigger than the disruption it’s caused to our business, and we certainly get that, and really want to convey our empathy for the many ways in which COVID has impacted your lives during this period.

So, having acknowledged that, thank you so very much for joining. I’m thrilled to be joined by some telehealth experts today to dig into this topic. You’ll find that they’ve got various perspectives and backgrounds. I’d love to ask them to introduce themselves. I think they’ll do a better job than I might. So I’ll start with Afshan. Would you tell everyone a little bit about yourself?

Afshan Ali (02:06):
Sure, my name is Afshan Ali, and I am the Division Vice President of Telehealth for Jackson and Coker. Which is a part of the Jackson Healthcare family of companies. I’m responsible for overseeing the strategy, and operations, and execution of the telehealth line of service of our business. Outside of that, I work with all our specialty divisions within our organization. Thank you for having me.

Allison Snow (02:36):
Excellent. Thank you so much for being here. How about Dr. Lundquist? Would you go next?

Dr. Davin Lundquist (02:44):
Hi, I’m Davin Lundquist. I’m the Chief Medical Officer for Augmedix, a company that delivers remote medical documentation support and live clinical support. We do that using either Google Glass, or a smartphone, to connect remote scribes with physicians and providers, to assist with their documentation. I’m also a practicing family physician in the Ventura, California market. In the medical foundation, which is part of Dignity Health. In this market, I’m also serving as a Chief Medical Information Officer. And some of my responsibilities there include helping all of our doctors and clinics get up and running on telemedicine, supporting that, and all of our other technology needs including optimization of EHR, exploring new digital solutions that empower patients and providers to have a better experience. Also very happy to be here. Thank you… .