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Through the Virtual Looking Glass: Examining The COVID-Driven Rise of Telehealth With Claims

COVID-19 has served as the ultimate catalyst to telehealth and telemedicine; we’ve seen years of regulations around telehealth come undone to respond to the market need of virtual health options.

As a result, over 41 million telehealth claims have been filed between April and July 2020, a 4000% year over year increase or the same time period.

Using the most up-to-date claims data from July 2020, presenters Todd Bellemare and Casey Eastlack will explore:

    • What patterns in claims data reveal about the digital expansion of healthcare

    • What these observations mean for sales organizations for companies that serve providers

    • What does the current status of regulation mean for the continued growth in digital utilization

Join us for this 15-minute dialogue as our presenters help you map the rise in telehealth to strategies for providers and the firms that serve them.

About the Presenter:

Todd Bellemare, Vice President of Professional Services at Definitive Healthcare 

Todd Bellemare

Todd has spent his executive leadership career building healthcare provider and patient analytics.  He has grown powerful data and professional services teams at Definitive Healthcare and DRG, and has helped thousands of leading life sciences and technology companies build their commercialization strategies through a deep understanding of the healthcare facilities, physicians, and patient landscape.  With more than 20 years of experience in the hospital equipment, medical device, clinical trials, technology, and data and analytics fields, Todd brings a complete picture to his analysis and discussions    




Casey Eastlack, Senior Data Analyst Manager

Casey Eastlack

Casey leads a Definitive team of client-facing data analysts. The team takes a consultative approach to data science that prioritizes collaboration and customer success and results in custom reports that deliver actionable and specific insights into healthcare facilities and patients. Before joining Definitive, Casey consulted with Fortune 100 clients as an analyst at MaPS/Millward Brown. She holds a Bachelor of Science (BS) from Boston College.

Watch The Replay!

Get a sneak peek into the webinar! Read a preview of the transcript below:

Todd Bellemare (00:02):
Hello, everybody. This is Todd Bellemare.

Casey Eastlack (00:06):
And I am Casey Eastlack.

Todd Bellemare (00:08):
And we are part of the Professional Services Team, here at Definitive Healthcare. Today we’re going to be talking about telehealth claims, and the trends that we’ve seen over the last few months here. But before we get started, we’re going to do a couple of housekeeping items.

So one, this is live, so we are recording it. And so everybody who is listening in today will be able to get a copy of this recording, once we’re done. Two, at the end, if we do have time, we certainly will try to answer some questions. So in the bottom of your console, which is fully customizable, you can kind of maximize screens, or kind of pull up different things. But that questions box at the bottom of your screen there, you can pull that up, and type in questions as we go here. And like I said, we’ll try to answer a couple of those questions at the end.

Speaking of the end, we will also have a two-question survey. If you could just fill it out for us, and send it on over. And the last item, real quick, is that we will be having a round table on telehealth, with some industry experts at the end of September. So stay tuned for that. That will be coming out pretty quickly.

So to get started here, what we’ll be talking about today is a few different things. So we’re going to start. We’ll talk a little bit about the regulation that has changed over the course of the last couple months, and really where it’s going next, in the next six, eight to 12 months or so. We’ll talk a little bit about how you can mine telehealth claims data from medical claims. And then, of course we’re going to talk about trends. We’re going to throw a lot of slides at you, and a lot of different charts and trends. So I’m sure this will be one of those webinars where people kind of free frame a little bit to kind of take down some info. So we’ll try to hover over a few of those trends slides as we go. But kicking things off, we’ll talk about the regulations.

Casey Eastlack (01:46):
Awesome, thanks Todd. So prior to COVID-19, there were only a limited number of services that were actually covered by Medicare, for telehealth. So those actually included virtual check-ins and e-visits. So those virtual check-ins are kind of the five to 10 minute phone conversations, with a practitioner, to see if a patient really needs to go to an onsite visit. They also did require a patient to have a preexisting relationship with that practitioner. And then, e-visits are communications within a healthcare portal, with a practitioner, that also required a preexisting relationship with that practitioner.

In terms of Medicaid and private insurance, there were some telehealth coverage for both of those, but it really depended on either the state, or the provider, for how much was actually covered. And then, in terms of actual telehealth visits, which are visits in which a patient interacts with a provider for an extended period of time about their care, those were only really involved for rural communities, but they also had to be implemented in a healthcare facility… .