Who's working with whom? Industry collaboration analytics come to Monocl ExpertInsight
Oct 25th, 2022

You can tell a lot about a person by the company they keep. Medical experts are no different: to really understand an expert, you need to know with whom they're working and how.
Sure, you can always ask upfront. But if you work in medical affairs, you're probably familiar with the hemming and hawing that tends to follow the question of previous or current collaborations. An expert may feel awkward disclosing relationships with potential competitors—or they might oversell the extent of their work with acclaimed organizations.
And that's assuming you can even book a meeting. If an expert is already collaborating with multiple organizations, they might be too busy to entertain your proposition.
To help you and your team save time, effort, and guesswork throughout this process, we're introducing a new feature to our Monocl ExpertInsight expert identification platform: industry collaboration analytics.
The new analytics deliver a comprehensive view of experts and the companies with whom they work, designed especially for medical affairs and commercial teams within the life sciences industry.
Using machine learning and artificial intelligence, Monocl ExpertInsight now maps industry collaborations for each one of the nearly 13 million experts profiled in the platform, providing insights into experts' activities with filters for types of collaborations, therapy areas, and more.
Here's a closer look at some of the ways that analyzing industry collaborations can support your expert engagement strategy and help you find your next key opinion leader (KOL).
Understand how the competition collaborates
Most of the work you do around expert identification and engagement likely focuses on finding the “right” people—those who are best equipped to support your company and its goals.
But with reliable analytics on industry collaborations, you can also gather some useful intelligence on your competition during this process.
Monocl ExpertInsight's new industry collaborations data are delivered via pre-built analytics on the experts working with your competitors, with data on their activities like publications, meeting presentations, clinical trials, and grants.
These analytics can support your efforts to track competitors' activity, dig into their strategy, and understand the relationships that matter to them. Best of all, the brunt of the analysis is already done—no complex, time-consuming data wrangling necessary.
ExpertInsight can also help you visualize the depth and breadth of an expert's relationship with your competition, so you can decide whether that relationship represents a potential liability or a sign of valuable experience.
Not a fan of multitasking? Me neither. ExpertInsight puts all of an expert's relevant data points in a single view, making it easier to conduct deeper analysis and spot new opportunities for engagement.
Find and engage the right expert faster
Medical experts are busy people, and getting onto their calendars is typically a matter of getting to them first—or knowing when they're most likely to have availability.
We've got you covered on both ends: The new feature gives you the intelligence to find experts faster and understand their potential time limitations.
With the updated Monocl ExpertInsight, you can quickly sort experts by relevance to your disease focus and history of working with organizations like yours. Then, dig into the work that defines their past and present relationships to identify otherwise unlisted areas of therapeutic interest, potential biases, and expertise in the activities that matter most to you.
Need a KOL who knows their way around a clinical trial, for instance? Industry collaboration analytics reveal how many trials an expert has participated in, what those trials focused on, and for whom they were conducted.
These activities can also help you determine an expert's availability without even sending a prospective email. View their recent and current activities to better understand their ongoing workload and advisory board participation, or chart their activities over time to see when they tend to stay busy—and when they have the time to collaborate with your organization.
Stay ahead of industry trends
Maybe you've got your competition all figured out. Perhaps your contacts list is brimming with experts just itching to work with you. Even so, there's not a life sciences organization out there that couldn't benefit from a better perspective of the industry's defining trends.
Monocl ExpertInsight helps you identify emerging trends and patterns across the industry using filters to plot collaborating experts' and companies' clinical activities over time.
Give your medical affairs and commercial teams a birds-eye view of the companies working with experts in specific fields on certain types of activities. Then, they can zoom in or compare trends to spot potential rising stars in need of their next big project—or senior company leaders who have a history of partnering with organizations like yours.
By examining these trends, you can also better understand how industry engagement patterns shift over time, or how major events have historically impacted collaborations and clinical activity so you can better plan for the next one.
However your team prefers to work with this data, it can be viewed in easy-to-read (and easy-to-customize) graphs and visuals that are viable both for in-depth analysis and high-level reporting.
Start keeping better company
What do your collaborations say about your organization? If you want to work with the best KOLs—and get the best business results—you need the best data and analytics on external experts.
Healthcare commercial intelligence from Definitive Healthcare gives your medical affairs and commercial teams the tools and information to find and engage the right experts faster and more effectively.
Don't wait for the competition to make first contact. Sign up for a demo of Monocl ExpertInsight today.