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Hospital Information System

What is a hospital information system (HIS)?

A hospital information system (HIS) augments a healthcare professional’s ability to coordinate care by managing patients and related healthcare data. With a HIS, the patient’s health information and visit history are available whenever and wherever it is required. As such, a HIS primarily focuses on a hospital’s clinical, administrative, and financial needs. 

In the hospital environment, a HIS centrally manages patients and patient data through electronic data processing and health status prediction. 

Some tasks that a HIS manages include: 

  • storing information on the medications used to treat certain illnesses 
  • managing patient payment records 
  • scheduling online appointments for doctors 

As a system, a HIS comprises a range of components that allow it to accomplish its many tasks. These components can include: 

How does a hospital information system (HIS) improve healthcare?

A hospital information system (HIS) improves healthcare through many actions. First and foremost, it assists in delivering quality patient care, especially for those seeking outpatient care or ambulatory services. A HIS also reduces transcription errors, which can cause medical errors affecting patient care levels. The ability to see a patient’s medical history also reduces re-testing since doctors can see what has already been diagnosed.