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Referral Network

What is a referral network?

A referral network is a group of healthcare professionals who send each other clients, market each other’s skills, and engage in helping each other’s businesses grow. Referral networks are crucial components of an effective business growth strategy, as it helps to bring patients to the clinic.

A referral network may include other physicians, hospitals, healthcare providers, and long-term care facilities.

It takes time to build a solid referral network that will provide value to patients, which is why it is important for physicians to slowly increase their referral network and include only physicians and facilities worthy of a referral.

Some tips for increasing a referral network include:

  • Creating a referral plan
  • Embracing interoperability
  • Adopting technology
  • Building relationships outside of a specific specialty
  • Investing in marketing

Why is a referral network important for healthcare?

A referral network provides a business with free marketing. Not only that, but it also helps improve patient engagement since patients have a physician or facility in mind to receive their services as recommended by their doctor.

Referral networks can help bring in more revenue to a business, as well, which is why they are a valuable marketing strategy.