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Referring Physician

What is a referring physician?

A referring physician is a doctor who refers patients to specialists for further treatment. Although primary care physicians also provide care to patients, they often refer patients to specialists when the condition is beyond their scope of practice.

Specialists may include but are not limited to:

A referral from a referring physician is generally required for a patient to see a specialist. In some cases, a self-referral may be possible if the specialist is in-network with the patient’s insurance plan.

Referring physicians typically have a good working relationship with the specialists they refer patients to and can provide guidance on treatment options.

Why is a referring physician important to healthcare?

A referring physician is an essential part of the healthcare setting. They provide referrals to specialists, who provide care that the referring physician cannot provide. This includes care for complex conditions or procedures that require specialized training.

The referring physician can also provide continuity of care for their patients. They are familiar with the patient’s medical history and can coordinate care with the specialist.

This coordination of care is essential for ensuring that the patient receives the best possible care. The referring physician is a valuable healthcare team member and plays an essential role in providing quality patient care.