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Outpatient Procedure

What is an outpatient procedure?

An outpatient procedure is a surgery or other medical procedure that allows the patient to arrive and leave the facility on the same day instead of staying in the hospital during recovery. The length of the procedure may range from a few minutes to a few hours, but in any case, the patient is able to return home after the procedure is over.

Other common names for outpatient procedures include ambulatory, same-day, or office-based procedures.

In most cases, an outpatient procedure is not for a medical emergency. Some examples of outpatient procedures include:

How do outpatient procedures improve healthcare?

One of the greatest benefits of outpatient procedures is that they typically cost less for the patient since a hospital stay is not required. This makes healthcare procedures more accessible for patients and reduces unnecessary financial costs for the healthcare facility.

Outpatient procedures can also lower the risk of hospital-acquired infections (HACs) since patients do not spend as long in the hospital. This can lead to a smoother recovery and more successful patient outcomes.