Healthcare Insights
Top assisted living facilities in California by bed count
Assisted living facilities (ALFs) are distinguished from other long-term care facility types by the level of medical support and intervention they provide. ALFs provide full-time housing and daily support for older adults, not requiring supervision from nurses or other medical personnel.
The following list highlights the top 20 ALFs in California by reported bed count. This metric refers to the number of beds that a medical center has within its facility. Bed count can also indicate the degree to which a hospital can provide inpatient care. Generally, the more beds a healthcare organization has, the more people it can care for.
Rank | Assisted Living Facility Name | City | Definitive ID | Bed Count | Explore dataset |
1 | La Costa Glen Carlsbad - Assisted Living | Carlsbad | 39905 | 1233 | Explore |
2 | Vi at Palo Alto - Assisted Living | Palo Alto | 48985 | 876 | Explore |
3 | Stoneridge Creek Pleasanton | Pleasanton | 49150 | 828 | Explore |
4 | Vi at La Jolla Village - Assisted Living | San Diego | 48984 | 783 | Explore |
5 | Westmont - Westmont Village (FKA Altavita Village Assisted Living) | Riverside | 48210 | 770 | Explore |
6 | The Forum at Rancho San Antonio - Assisted Living | Cupertino | 46234 | 741 | Explore |
7 | Morningside of Fullerton | Fullerton | 48277 | 712 | Explore |
8 | Spring Lake Village - Assisted Living | Santa Rosa | 47269 | 679 | Explore |
9 | The Terraces at San Joaquin Gardens - Assisted Living | Fresno | 39725 | 652 | Explore |
10 | Paradise Valley Estates - Assisted Living | Fairfield | 47711 | 603 | Explore |
11 | The Glen at Scripps Ranch | San Diego | 48246 | 600 | Explore |
12 | Casa De Las Campanas - Assisted Living | San Diego | 46873 | 582 | Explore |
13 | Hillcrest Birch Court and Cedar Court | La Verne | 49936 | 574 | Explore |
14 | Ventura Townehouse | Ventura | 48695 | 566 | Explore |
15 | Fredericka Manor - Assisted Living | Chula Vista | 46506 | 560 | Explore |
16 | Valle Verde - Assisted Living | Santa Barbara | 48186 | 547 | Explore |
17 | Freedom Village Health Care Center - Assisted Living | Lake Forest | 46509 | 533 | Explore |
18 | Oak Tree Lodge at Mount San Antonio Gardens | Pomona | 48510 | 520 | Explore |
19 | Atherton Baptist Homes | Alhambra | 52725 | 518 | Explore |
20 | University Village Thousand Oaks - Assisted Living | Thousand Oaks | 48174 | 514 | Explore |
Fig. 1 Data is from the Definitive Healthcare LongTermCareView product. Data is accurate as of November 2023.
Which assisted living facility in California has the most beds?
With 1,233 available beds, La Costa Glen Carlsbad is the assisted living facility in California with the most beds. Collectively, the top 20 ALFs in California total up to 12,791 beds, with an average of 640 beds per facility.
In second place is Vi at Palo Alto Assisted Living, which has a total of 876 available beds. Stoneridge Creek Pleasanton comes in third place with 828 beds.
California also has the highest number of active assisted living facilities across the U.S., with 5,808. Michigan has the second-highest number of ALFs at 3,213. Check out Healthcare Insight on ALFs in Michigan with the most beds for more information.
Assisted living facilities vs. nursing homes
Assisted living facilities and nursing homes are both types of residential care options for individuals who may need assistance with daily activities. Still, they differ in terms of the level of care provided and the types of residents they cater to.
For example, ALFs are designed for individuals who need some assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs), such as bathing, dressing, grooming, and medication management. Residents in assisted living facilities are more independent and may not require intensive medical care. Nursing homes, on the other hand, provide a higher level of medical care and are suitable for individuals with more complex health needs. They have a higher staff-to-resident ratio and are equipped to handle individuals who require ongoing medical supervision, rehabilitation, or assistance with serious health conditions.
Why is ALF bed count important for sales strategy?
Healthcare commercial intelligence like bed count in ALFs can be important for several businesses looking to sell into or compete in the healthcare market in California. Some reasons why a business might leverage this information include:
- Strategy. You can use the number of beds available in ALFs to help you analyze the market demand for such services. It provides insights into the saturation levels in specific regions, allowing you to identify areas with higher demand and fewer competitors.
- Resource allocation. Knowing the availability of beds helps in efficient resource allocation. For example, if there is a high demand for assisted living in a particular region, you can allocate more resources, staff, and services to meet the needs of that specific market.
- Risk management. Understanding the bed occupancy rates can help assess the financial stability of assisted living facilities. Facilities with consistently high occupancy rates may indicate a stable and well-managed business, reducing the risk associated with potential partnerships or collaborations.
- Marketing and outreach. If you offer services that complement those provided by assisted living facilities, knowing their bed availability allows you to target your marketing efforts more effectively.
What is the cost of assisted living in California?
According to Genworth’s annual Cost of Care Survey, the average cost of assisted living care in California in 2023 was $3,750 per month. The cost of care does vary across the state, however, and it likely differs between ALFs within the same county or region. The cost of assisted living in San Francisco ranges from about $900 - $6,900 per month. Care in the Los Angeles area is more expensive, ranging from $1,100 - $9,500 per month.
Assisted living costs vary wildly because every facility offers unique amenities and services. A luxury ALF community, for example, may have access to a spa, tennis court, concierge, or other services.
Who regulates assisted living facilities in California?
The Senior Care Licensing Program helps to license, monitor, and enforce continuing care retirement communities and elderly residential care facilities.
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Healthcare Insights are developed with healthcare commercial intelligence from the Definitive Healthcare platform. Interested in more insights on long-term care facilities? Read our blog detailing the top tips for marketing to long-term care centers you should know.
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