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4 Data-Driven Insights To Connect Your Oncology Treatments To Patients

Do you have the market insights to connect your drugs, therapies, and medical devices to patients?

Not if your insights playbook doesn’t include accurate and current market insights.  

During this webinar, attendees will learn which market patterns and insights are essential to their commercialization strategies, including:

  • Industry shifts by geography and diagnosis, including emerging trend data on these 3 leading oncology diagnoses
  • Market share by region for treatment centers and providers, including analysis of affiliations and the impact of outpatient and remote care preferences
  • Market shifts in points of entry for care, referral patterns of facilities and physician groups, common comorbidities, and the discovery of patients for early and late-stage treatments
  • Best-fit physicians with whom to align and partner via facility and referral patterns data

About the Presenter: Todd Bellemare, Vice President of Professional Services at Definitive Healthcare 


Todd has spent his executive leadership career building healthcare provider and patient analytics.  He has grown powerful data and professional services teams at Definitive Healthcare and DRG, and has helped thousands of leading life sciences and technology companies build their commercialization strategies through a deep understanding of the healthcare facilities, physicians, and patient landscape.  With more than 20 years of experience in the hospital equipment, medical device, clinical trials, technology, and data and analytics fields, Todd brings a complete picture to his analysis and discussions    


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Sarah (00:00:01):
All right. Good afternoon everyone. Thank you so much for joining our webinar today. We’re going to go ahead and get started. You’re joining us today for Four Data-Driven Insights To Connect Your Oncology Treatments To Patients. Today’s session is going to be presented by Todd Bellemare and Definitive Healthcare’s Vice President of Professional Services. Before we really dive into the content, I’ll share a little bit about Todd’s background and we’ll cover some housekeeping items. Todd, again, really excited to have you.

Todd has spent his executive leadership career building healthcare providers and patient analytics. With more than 20 years of experience in the hospital equipment, medical device, clinical trials, technology and data and analytics fields, Todd brings a complete picture to his analysis and discussions and we’re really excited to have you, Todd. A couple of housekeeping items before we get started for everybody. In this time, most of us are in separate remote work areas. I know that for Todd and I, we are in our separate homes right now, and so as many of you also are, so please excuse any sort of ambient sounds. We all know that home life can be a little unpredictable right now.

The next thing is that we’re also recording this, so we will be sending out the replay tomorrow for those of you who have registered, so you can watch, if you’re not able to make it through the whole thing today, you can just come right back to it in the link that we’ll be sending out or you can share out with colleagues. Then lastly, we have a Q&A box for any of your questions that you might have as they arrive. That Q&A box on your console, so feel free to type in and we’ll get those questions over to Todd. With that, I’m going to hand it over to you, Todd.

Todd Bellemare (00:01:55):
Thanks Sarah, and thank you to everybody out there who’s listening along today. I hope everyone’s doing well, working from home. Today, what we’ll be doing is we’ll be talking about a few different types of cancer and how we can use data to analyze the patient populations within them. We’ll talk about breast cancer, prostate cancer, and lymphatic cancer. Specifically in lymphatic cancer, we’ll talk about non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, or NHL, and we’ll dive into one of the rare cancers that are included within that cohort. For each of these diseases, what we’ll be doing is recovering some high level details about trends and treatment options. Then from there we’re going to go into how we can use data to analyze markets, referral details, and a few ways to segment patients.

First up is breast cancer. In 2020, around 275,000-plus patients will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer in the US, and one in eight women in the US will develop invasive breast cancer in their lifetime. Now, invasive breast cancer is when the cancer cells break out into nearby breast tissue, which can make it much more likely to spread into other parts of the body through the lymphatic or the blood systems. There are about 48,000 noninvasive cases in the US per year though. When we look at the disease itself and the growth trends behind it from 2007 to 2016, invasive breast cancer rose by about 0.3% per year… .