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Leveraging commercial claims to find your ideal patient population

Originally aired on November 16th, 2021, watch Leveraging Commercial Claims to Find Your Ideal Patient Population on demand to see our speakers show how Latitude Reporting can help you perform rapid, iterative analysis on medical and prescription claims data to develop customized reports that accelerate go-to-market activities.

This webinar explains how you can use Latitude Reporting to identify and examine your ideal patient population from different perspectives to optimize your commercial strategies. Using a simple three step workflow, you can create patient cohorts, analyze and learn more about each cohort and build custom reports. By accelerating time to insight, Latitude Reporting enables you to quickly answer critical business questions and then pivot to answer additional business questions as your information needs evolve.

The webinar features Evan Cox and Mary Kate Grow, Commercial Claims leaders at Definitive Healthcare, who were instrumental in the development of Latitude Reporting.

About the presenters:

Evan Cox
Associate VP, Product Management @Definitive Healthcare

Evan Cox

Evan Cox is the Associate Vice President of Product Management at Definitive Healthcare. With over 15 years of experience in planning, developing, and delivering software solutions, Evan was closely involved in the development of Latitude Reporting. He has previously held positions at WebMD, Press Ganey Associates, and Change Healthcare.


Mary Kate Grow
Product Manager @Definitive Healthcare

Mary Kate Grow

Mary Kate Grow is a Product Manager at Definitive Healthcare. With four years of experience in healthcare data analysis and product management, she worked directly on the development of Latitude Reporting.

Watch The Replay!

Get a sneak peek into the webinar! Read a preview of the transcript below:

Sara (00:05):
All right. Hi, everybody. We’re just going to give it probably 30 more seconds for folks to filter in and then we’ll get started with some introductions. But thanks for joining us today.

All right, it is 2:00 exactly, so we can go ahead and get started. So welcome in everybody. My name is Sara from the Definitive Healthcare team. Thank you so much for joining us today for our webinar, Leveraging Commercial Claims to Find Your Ideal Patient Population. I’m excited to be hosting today’s session with Evan Cox and Mary Kate Grow, product management leaders at Definitive Healthcare.

Before we get started, I did want to cover a few housekeeping items. So firstly, we are live and we’d love to hear from you. So as time permits, we will take a few audience questions at the end, so feel free to submit your questions throughout today’s talk. And second, today’s webinar is being recorded and all registrants will receive the recording in their email inbox.

And now I’d like to do some introductions. Evan Cox is the Associate Vice President of Product Management at Definitive Healthcare. With over 15 years of experience in planning, developing, and delivering software solutions, Evan was closely involved in the development of Latitude Reporting. He has previously held positions at WebMD, Press Ganey Associates, and Change Healthcare.

Mary Kate Grow is a product manager at Definitive Healthcare with four years of experience in healthcare, data analysis and product management. She worked directly on the development of Latitude Reporting. Welcome Evan and Mary Kate.

Evan Cox (02:01):
Thank you, Sara. Great to be here.

Mary Kate Grow (02:02):
Thank you, Sara.

Sara (02:04):
With that, I’d like to hand off directly to you, Evan.

Evan Cox (02:07):
Wonderful. Well, thanks. So, today we’re going to go through a few things. Obviously we’ve started with our speaker introductions. We’ll move into some industry challenges, sort of the therapy development life cycle, and talk a little bit about the product that we’ve built, which is really going to help you in that process. And we’ll do a live demo here, we’re not going to spend much time in slides at all. And then, time permitting, as Sara mentioned, at the end, if we have some questions, we’ll be happy to answer those… .