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Exploring Rare Disease through a Data-Driven Lens

Between 20-30 million Americans live with a rare disease.

While the complexities for rare disease treatment are numerous, the last few years have shown major strides towards meaningful progress. In honor of Rare Disease Day 2021, join us as we explore hurdles and opportunities for biotech and pharmaceutical companies to make an impact on the rare disease sector.

On Thursday, February 25th, Robert Groebel, Vice President, Global Medical Strategy at Monocl and Bobby Gleavy, Associate Vice President, Biopharma Division at Definitive Healthcare will sit down to discuss the rare disease market in 2021 through a data-driven lens. Topics will include:
  • Which rare disease states will show the most growth in the next 3-5 years?
  • How do Medical Affairs professionals identify experts to work with throughout the drug development process?
  • What complications do drug developers face when recruiting for clinical trials within such small patient populations?

About the Presenters

Robert Groebel, Vice President, Global Medical Strategy, Monocl

Robert Groebel, Monocl

With nearly 25 years in the healthcare arena, and diverse experience in commercial and medical organizations internationally, Robert brings a skill set and perspective that is rare among pharmaceutical professionals. His expertise includes both domestic and international sales and product marketing, and deep experience in medical affairs, strategic operations, administration, and staffing. 

In his current role, he guides commercial & medical affairs organizations globally to leverage technology, data, and analytics to enhance engagement, scientific, communications, and account management strategies in today’s increasingly complex healthcare landscape. 


Robert Gleavy, Associate Vice President, BioPharma Division, Definitive Healthcare

Robert "Bobby" Gleavy, Definitive Healthcare

With over a decade of experience in the healthcare space, Robert has a strong foundation in research and data. His hands-on sales and consulting experience within the biotech and pharmaceutical industries, has helped small and enterprise-level companies successfully penetrate and advance the provider market.

Watch The Replay!

Get a sneak peek into the webinar! Read a preview of the transcript below:

Sarah (00:02):
All right. Welcome everybody. We are just a few minutes away from starting our session today. So we’ll wait until 11:00 Eastern Time and then we will get started.

All right. So I think that time has come. So hi everybody. I’m Sarah from the Definitive Healthcare team. I’d like to welcome you to our webinar, Exploring Rare Disease through a Data-Driven Lens. So I’m really excited for today’s session. I wanted to share a few quick housekeeping items with you before we get started. So firstly, this webinar is live and is being recorded. Second, all participants should be on mute. And third, if you have a team member you want to share this with or you want to re-watch it at some point in the future, we will be sending the recording out to all registrants afterwards.

All right. And with that, I’m excited to introduce our guests today. So today, we will be hearing from two subject matter experts as they engage in a virtual fireside chat about the challenges and opportunities within the rare disease sector. Our first speaker, Robert Groebel serves as the vice president of Global Medical Strategy at Monocl. He brings over 25 years of experience within the healthcare arena. In his current role, he guides commercial and medical affairs organizations globally to leverage technology, data and analytics to enhance engagement, communications and account management strategies in today’s increasingly complex healthcare landscape. Welcome, Robert. Our next speaker, Bobby Gleavy serves as the Associate Vice President of the Biopharma Division at Definitive Healthcare. With over a decade of experience in the healthcare space, Bobby has a strong foundation in research and data. His hands-on sales and consulting experience within the biotech and pharmaceutical industries has helped small and enterprise level companies successfully penetrate and advance the provider market. Welcome, Bobby.

Robert Gleavy (02:21):
Thank you for the intro, Sarah. I’m honored to be able to host this discussion today with Robert. Many of us on this call have been impacted by rare disease and it’s especially important to me today, as I recently lost a cousin who had been suffering from myasthenia gravis. As we cover the topics in today’s discussion, it’s important that we keep the patient’s experience and outcomes top of mind. We’re going to set the stage. We’ll talk a little bit about the challenges and opportunities and get right into it with Robert. Next slide.

Well, the discussion with Robert is what I’m most excited about. I do want to spend a few minutes laying the groundwork here.

So each year, the last day of February plays host to Rare Disease Day, an annual event that aims to raise awareness amongst the general public and decision makers in the rare disease space. And talk about the impact on patient lives. In honor of Rare Disease Day, we’re hoping to contribute to the conversation by discussing some of the data surrounding the challenges and opportunities the industry presents. This slide speaks volumes to the changing landscape. Back in the 1980s medical data and evidence were doubling every seven years. As of 2020, it’s doubling every 73 days. In this slide, you can see there’s still a lot of work to be done, 7,000 plus rare diseases have been identified for a patient population of less than 200,000 people. And on average, each one of those patients is taking roughly five years to get diagnosed. So we are making strides, but there’s a lot of work to be done, whether it be more on precision medicine or thinking about ways to diagnose these patients and we’ll cover all of that today. Next slide… .