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10 Key Strategies for Selling to IDNs and GPOs

After 35+ years in the industry, John Pritchard and Ken Murawski know what works when it comes to selling to Integrated Delivery Networks and Group Purchasing Organizations. In this webinar, tap into their collective knowledge and learn how you too can navigate this complex, changing arena by leading with value-based solutions.

This session will dive in on the findings compiled in a newly published e-book from The Association of National Accounts Executives (ANAE) which outlines the ten imperatives anyone calling on these organizations needs to understand.  

This webinar is for you if you’re looking for:

  • A deep understanding of 10 actionable strategies to employ 
  • Specific examples of how these tactics have proven themselves successful
  • Insight into more than 3 decades of contracting success with IDNs & GPOs 

About the presenters:

John Pritchard- President, Share Moving Media


John’s wide portfolio as a president and as publisher has helped him gain vast experience as a though leader in the industry. His large audience includes executives and CEOs across the IDN and GPO landscape. Share Moving Media (SMM) is the publisher of Repertoire Magazine and The Journal of Healthcare Contracting and National Accounts Weekly. The Journal of Healthcare Contracting reaches the executives involved in the healthcare contracting business. National Accounts Weekly is the only publication dedicated to National Accounts Executives calling on GPOs, IDNs, RPCs and national and regional distribution. Muddy Waters explains in full detail the healthcare supply chain. Organizations that contributed include Mayo Clinic, Geisinger Health System and WNC Health Network (WNCHN). Other contributors include GPOs Premier and MedAssets, and other first rate organizations like the Council of Accountable Physician Practices. 


Ken Murawski - President, Healthcare Links

ken headshot

After a 16 year career with Kendall Healthcare, 3 years as Director of National Accounts, Ken founded HealthCare Links in June of 1993 with a simple mission: to become a sales/marketing resource focused on National and Corporate Accounts—matching companies with clinical benefits and cost effective products and services to major Healthcare Systems, Alliances, Integrated Delivery Networks and Group Purchasing Organizations. With experience in all the healthcare markets, covering a variety of products and services, along with a working knowledge and relationships at over 100 IDNs, the HealthCare Links team has helped over 170 companies grow their national accounts portfolio. 

Watch The Replay!

Get a sneak peek into the webinar! Read a preview of the transcript below:

Mark Haddad (00:04):
Good afternoon, everyone. It’s a couple of minutes past the hour, so let’s go ahead and get started. We have a couple of great speakers today with nearly 50 years of combined experience in healthcare with a focus on the supply chain. So we’re sure to hear some great material. In fact, this is our most popular webinar we’ve ever hosted. We’ve got attendees from all types of suppliers as well as consultants, providers, and others involved in the healthcare supply chain. But before I turn it over to our presenters today, I just want to do a quick introduction. My name is Mark Haddad. I’m the vice president of marketing here at Definitive Healthcare.

For those of you that may not be familiar with Definitive, we supply data intelligence on healthcare facilities, providers, and organizations covering virtually the entire US and Canadian market. You’ll see some of our data sprinkled throughout the presentation here today, including data on affiliations, hospital quality, RFPs, and health system financials. Those are just a few examples of the data we track, and we’ll provide contact information at the end of the presentation if you’d like to reach out for more information.

Just a few housekeeping items before I turn it over to the presenters. First of all, the webinar’s being recorded, so anybody that registered, whether they’re attending or not will receive a link to the recording in a follow up email tomorrow. (01:13): Second, we have a lot of people on the call today, so everyone’s line is muted. However, we welcome you to enter any questions in the webinar chat box and we’ll attempt to address as many of those as we can at the end of the presentation.

And then lastly, at the end of the webinar, there’s a link to a quick and simple survey. We encourage you to take a moment to fill that out to give us some feedback on the webinar that we can use to help improve our future webinars.

With that, let me introduce today’s presenters, a couple of industry veterans. First is John Pritchard, president of Share Moving Media, which is a leading publishing and content company providing services to providers, manufacturers, and distributors involved in the business of healthcare. And joining John is Ken Murawski, the founder of Healthcare Links, which is a resource for companies looking to grow their market share and profitability in the US healthcare market.

At this point, I’m going to turn it over to John and Ken to give a bit more background on themselves and then to move into their presentation. Remember, your lines are muted, so enter your questions in the chat box. Thanks for attending. And John and Ken, thanks for sharing your knowledge with us today.

Ken Murawski (02:18):
Thank you. This is Ken Murawski, pleased to be here, and we’ve got a record showing, so I’m excited about that, being able to share my background and information with you guys. I want to start out first by saying that this was an article that was printed earlier in the year in some of the publications that John will talk about later. And essentially, there were three people who contributed to this article. One, his name is Kurt Krieghbaum. He’s a 35-year veteran, Medline Industries and Maryann Restino, she’s a group VP, Strategic Customer Group at the Health Systems at BD, which was previously with CareFusion. And also, Maryann was an executive at Novation prior to it becoming Vizient. The three of us put together this article at the time, and I’ve been chosen to follow through and give you a little bit more detail on some of the information on it… .