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Introducing Physician Lab & DME Data

Introducing Physician Lab & DME Data

Today, we’re excited to announce the addition of Physician Lab & DME Data to our PhysicianView product.

What is Physician Lab & DME Data?

Physician Lab & DME Data refers to a subset of claims data captured when providers ‘order’ additional testing from pathology (path) labs or durable medical equipment (DME) for their patients.

If you’re looking to gain an additional level of granularity about physician activity in the lab and DME space, then Physician Lab & DME Data is for you. With this new data set, you can understand which providers are ordering which tests and equipment, at what volume, and from which labs or suppliers.

Testing done at third-party pathology labs and orders for DME are often billed directly to the organization providing the test or equipment. As a result, it can be a challenge to gain visibility into a physician or provider’s lab and DME order activity.

Physician Lab & DME Data gives you in-depth visibility to the order behavior for physicians who could use your product. From there, you can leverage these insights to improve marketing and sales targeting, analyze your competition and make more strategic decisions.

With this data, you can:

  1. Improve segmenting and targeting with a comprehensive look into lab test and DME ordering patterns.
  2. Precisely target the pathology labs and DME vendors that a provider is working with using codes relevant to your interest.
  3. Increase efficiency with the latest lab and DME data available on-demand.

We’ve seamlessly integrated Physician Lab & DME Data into our PhysicianView and ClaimsMx products, so you can easily build a complete picture of the physicians that you’re targeting.

What does Physician Lab & DME Data look like in action?

Let’s look at a DME company launching a product into a new market. Their marketing department can use Physician Lab & DME Data to size the market for their product more accurately and conduct a competitive analysis to discover what other DME vendors healthcare providers are ordering from. Later, the sales team can access robust physician profile information to identify and contact the physicians ordering their products so they can nurture relationships and close more deals.

Where to find Physician Lab & DME Data

Physician Lab & DME Data is available at no additional charge to Definitive Healthcare subscribers who have both PhysicianView and ClaimsMx.

You can find this data in either of two ways:

From PhysicianView:

Once you’ve landed on a physician, you can explore their pathology lab and DME order activity by selecting ‘Medical Claims’ and then selecting the new menu option called ‘Orders.’ From there, you can refine your search results by HCPCS code or Order Entity, and then export a report to start analyzing!

From Claims Analytics:

You can also find physician order activity by selecting ‘Claims Analytics’ at the top menu, then ‘Physician Analytics’ and then ‘Physician Ordering Analytics’ from proceeding drop-down menus. Just like the first method, you can refine your search results by HCPCS code and Order Entity, and by provider and type of durable medical equipment.

Get started today

You can dive in today and explore the latest addition to our healthcare commercial intelligence. And please let us know what you think!

If you’re not currently a subscriber to Definitive Healthcare, start a free trial to see how your organization can leverage Physician Lab & DME Data.  

Todd Bellemare

About the Author

Todd Bellemare

Todd Bellemare is the Senior Vice President of Strategic Solutions for Definitive Healthcare. With more than 22 years working in the healthcare technology and analytics…

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