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Minimally Invasive Surgery

What is minimally invasive surgery?

Minimally invasive surgery, or keyhole surgery, is a type of procedure that only requires small incisions, if any at all. Minimally invasive surgery is considered safer than traditional surgery, but often requires specialized technological equipment, facilities, and training.

During minimally invasive surgery, a small tube with a camera and a light called an endoscope is inserted through the body’s natural openings or through small incisions. Special instruments are then passed through the endoscope to perform the surgery. The camera allows the surgical team to view the procedure on a screen.

There are many different types of minimally invasive procedures, such as:

There are many benefits to minimally invasive surgery, including:

  • Shorter hospital stays
  • Quicker recovery times
  • Less pain and discomfort
  • Less trauma to the body
  • Reduced risk of post-op complications, e.g. infection

Why is minimally invasive surgery important in healthcare?

Advances in the field of surgery and the development of state-of-the-art instruments and robotic surgery devices have led to much safer and quicker surgical procedures. Minimally invasive surgery is important as it provides patients with a higher quality of care, a shortened recovery process, and less risk of complications. There are also lower cost implications than traditional surgery.