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Top 10 physician procedures in California

Definitive Healthcare currently tracks more than 5,000 physician procedures. These medical procedures help prevent, diagnose, and treat illness, improving patient health in a variety of ways.

Below, we compiled a list of the top 10 physician procedures in California ranked by charges.

Physician procedures in California with the most charges

RankHCPCS/CPT codeHCPCS/CPT descriptionTotal chargesExplore dataset
199214Established patient office visit, 30-39 minutes$1,947,464,877 Explore
299213Established patient office visit, 20-29 minutes$1,102,092,314 Explore
399233Subsequent hospital IP/OBS high 50$898,370,020 Explore
499285Emergency department visit high medical decision making$753,815,012 Explore
599291Critical care first hour$667,629,705 Explore
699232Subsequent hospital IP/OBS moderate 35$590,857,581 Explore
7992231st hospital IP/OBS high 75$491,092,774 Explore
899215Office O/P est HI 40-54 min$409,863,270 Explore
9J0178Aflibercept injection$370,421,467 Explore
1093306TTE w/ doppler complete$302,903,347 Explore

Fig. 1  Data is from Definitive Healthcare’s PhysicianView product. Data is accurate as of October 2022.

Which physician procedure had the most charges in California?

Across our medical procedures list, there are procedures related to office visits, hospital visits, and medical interventions.

The first procedure by total charges was code 99214, established patient office visit, 30-39 minutes, with $1,947,464,877 in charges. This code describes a 30-39-minute outpatient visit for a patient that is already established within the practice. It involves both evaluation and management of the patient using a moderate level of medical decision making.

Next was code 99213, established patient office visit, 20-29 minutes, with $1,102,092,314 in charges. Similar to the above code, this code also describes an outpatient visit for an established patient using evaluation and management. This code differs from 99214 in that it involves a low level of decision making.

In third was code 99233, subsequent hospital IP/OBS high 50, with, $898,370,020 in charges. This code describes evaluation and management services provided to established patients in the inpatient setting during subsequent visits.

What is physician billing?

Physician billing, or professional billing, refers to the claims that are submitted for medical procedures conducted by physicians and other healthcare providers.

What is the “charges” metric?

In the Definitive Healthcare platform, the “charges” metric refers to the amount of money that a provider charges a payor or individual for the services rendered.

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Healthcare Insights are developed with healthcare commercial intelligence from the Definitive Healthcare platform. Want even more insights? Start a free trial now and get access to the latest healthcare commercial intelligence on hospitals, physicians and other healthcare providers.